AfterOurs Clinics - Colorado
AfterOurs Clinics - Colorado


doctor examining older patient

Vertigo is caused by dysfunction in the vestibular system of the ear, which contributes to the sense of balance and spatial orientation. Vertigo is a sensation that everything around us is spinning or revolving.

What are the causes of vertigo?

Most causes of vertigo are not harmful. More serious reasons for vertigo include tumors, head injuries, and drug reactions. Special attention should be given to some patients with vertigo – particularly those who are above 50 years of age or who have a vascular disease like coronary artery disease.

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo or BPPV

BPPV is the most common cause of vertigo. BPPV occurs when calcium crystals are deposited in the posterior semicircular canal in the inner ear. These calcium deposits interfere with the movement of the endolymph, the fluid found in the labyrinth of the ear, thus causing vertigo. 

Common symptoms of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo are short episodes of dizziness, rapid eye movements, and nausea.

Acute labyrinthitis 

The labyrinth is the structure found inside the ear which consists of three parts: the cochlea, vestibule, and semi-circular canals. Acute labyrinthitis is the inflammation of the labyrinth after an infection, which includes symptoms like vertigo and loss of hearing. 

Meniere’s disease  

Meniere’s disease includes symptoms of vertigo, nausea and tinnitus (ringing in the ears.)  The exact cause of Meniere’s is unknown. Symptom onset of Meniere’s disease is usually between 20 and 40 years of age. 


Common symptoms of vertigo include: 

  • Dizziness
  • Unable to maintain balance
  • Nausea
  • Feeling as thought your head is spinning of head or feeling light-headed


Treatment mainly depends on the causes of vertigo. In cases of acute vertigo, usually, anti-nausea medicines are prescribed for symptomatic management. These medicines should only be given for a short period of time. 

Prochlorperazine and some antihistamines are often used in the treatment of vertigo. 

Vestibular rehabilitation and training may be required to prevent vertigo recurrences.

Brandt-Daroff exercises 

This set of exercises is thought to disperse any tiny particles away from the balance center inside the ear, ultimately easing dizziness and light-headedness. Brandt-Daroff exercises are used for the treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. 

These exercises are a good way to manage the symptoms of vertigo, however, they do not cure vertigo completely. For beginners, these exercises may cause dizziness or nausea, so they should be done under the supervision of a professional. 

Contact us

In case of urgent medical care assistance, AfterOurs Urgent Care offers immediate telemedicine services through telemedicine appointments, where medical providers are available to offer assistance. Anyone who experiences signs and symptoms requiring urgent medical attention can simply book their appointment with AfterOurs Urgent Care to directly talk to an expert. If your medical issue is not appropriate for telemedicine, we will let you know and refer you to an in-person facility.

When to visit a doctor:

If you are experiencing bothersome symptoms of dizziness, a medical provider can assist with addressing those issues.

Treatment for vertigo is available at AfterOurs Urgent Care.